Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bmx Colour Bike Painting

spoofing martial

The kihon is known in many dojos as the work of the basic skills - defense, attack and transport - similar to the ranges for the musicians.
It is generally practiced without a partner, and advancing under the leadership of sensei or senpai chanting the signal, making the timing for each energy group to repeat the technique. Roland and Gabrielle
Habersetzer in their Martial Arts Encyclopedia Far East (technical, historical, biographical and cultural), give a definition of kihon that enlarges while noting that the generally accepted sense is restricted:
Kihon: Energy (Ki) of base (Hon ) to designate the forms of training in basic techniques of a martial art (budo) with an optimal use of internal energy (Ki). In a general sense, repetition of basic techniques, basic training, usually in a vacuum, without a partner. "Master Henry
Plée during one of his seminars debunking martial shows hidden faces of kihon:
"A kihon must be correct in arguing that both backward and also the forms and yin yang."
"The kihon martial should always be done in two, it allows, among others, to work on the psyche of the adversary."


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